Children and Youth

Our goal is to help children and young people grow into spiritually mature individuals who can live out their faith in their daily lives.


Living As My Bible Says
LAMBS have events several times throughout the year to celebrate holidays. These are for all kids Kindergarten to 5th Grade 


Worship Our Way
is for kindergarten to 5th Grade Kids during Worship. After the Lord's Prayer they are excused from the Sanctuary to go downstairs to WOW.

FBCD Youth

Our student ministry program has one goal in mind – to provide a safe place where teenagers can encounter the love that God has for them. Every week, we gather for food, fellowship, study, and games where we build relationships, and explore the ways that God speaks to us today. Our students are involved in a variety of ministries inside and outside of the church. We have students that help lead worship on Sundays, even preaching the message from time to time. We minister to our senior citizens through care baskets and cards, we get involved with camping ministries, lock-ins, and conferences. We also strive to live out our faith, so we have a variety of service projects in our community that we take part in.


We are excited about adding more and more people to our group, so please know that you are welcome here, and feel free to bring a friend with you! Parents are always invited and encouraged to stay for any event as well. If you’d like more information on upcoming events, send us a note on the “Contact Us” page, and we will certainly reach out to you.

Thursdays at 6:00pm

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